
What is it you can write that no-one else can?

Need a little help luring your book out of your head and into the world? What about that blog you’ve been ‘meaning’ to write for the last few months, or the social media content you know will transform your business if only you can find the time and inspiration to produce it?

It’s okay, you’re not alone, which is why people like you trust me to get them unstuck and into that elusive creative flow.

Whenever you’re ready…

So you’ve got a book in you… How long are you planning to leave it there?

The process – book writing and publishing.

  • 1:1 coaching to flesh out your idea, understand your audience, set your aims and objectives in writing your book, and your routes to market.

  • Coaching you through the writing of your book, usually through regular Zoom calls and manuscript edits as we go along. This process includes expert guidance on the book’s structure and flow, the tone of voice and language patterns, tools to keep your reader engaged, advice on illustrations, and - crucially - copyediting as we go along.

  • Final proof-reading and packaging your book for publication, including the layout and cover design. This is followed by upload to Amazon (physical and e-book) and pdf supply to your choice of (or my recommended) printer/publisher.

The process – blogs, socials, websites etc.

  • I take a look at the material you’re putting out there at the moment, and work with you first of all to identify your audience and your aims in communicating with them.

  • We work together to create key words and phrases you keep at your side whenever you’re communicating with the world. In developing these words and phrases, I will begin to share with you the semantic secrets behind the language of influence.

  • You write and share your drafts with me, and we get together via Zoom to hone them in line with the audience, your aims, and your key messaging we’ve already agreed. During this process you will learn the secrets of consistent messaging, unconscious communication and powerfully precise phraseology.

  • If you need help with design, I will review and, where necessary, re-design your social media/blog/website, agreeing fonts and colour schemes in tune with our newly developed language and tone of voice.


Book Editing & Publishing.

