Corporate training.

Imagine for a moment that your team have all the skills they need to turn every customer touchpoint into a big positive…

Now imagine that every time your customer receives a business proposal, opens an email, clicks on a social media post, or talks to one of your team, they enjoy the confident expectation that this contact will be positive, solution-focused, even uplifting.

In short, they will feel better for it…

From powerful business proposals to consistently on-brand corporate communications, it goes without saying that you want every touchpoint with your business and the people in it to be as positive as possible.

That’s why your people want to be confident in their communication at every level, from the most basic first touch to preparing precision business proposals and building enduring client relationships.

The Editor is an accomplished coach and trainer whose programmes take your people on an inspiring journey to uncover the secrets of skilled semantics, influential word play, compelling visuals and the skill to paint persuasive pictures in the minds of valued customers. Which means your people are better enabled to win – and keep – the business they richly deserve.

The semantic secrets to powerfully persuasive communication at your team’s hands

The process.

  • Now you know that your clients and target customers will build a relationship with you when your communications more effectively hit home, I come in and take a look at what you’re doing now, and outline what you can be doing better.

  • Now I design a programme to inspire and engage your team in striving for communications master, in every client touchpoint, business proposal, or corporate communication they produce.

  • After programme delivery, we build in 3-month, 6-month and 12-month reviews to see where you are and where we can further develop and embed skills within your team, ensuring lasting commitment on their part to their continuing communications development.