Book Editing & Publishing.

Your book, expertly edited, designed and published in seven super steps.

You already know that in order to reach the top of a mountain, you have to put one foot in front of the other, right? You also know that standing at the bottom and debating the grace or otherwise of your walking technique isn’t going to get you there.

Yet so many people metaphorically do just that when they stare, paralysed, at a blank page rather than just getting on and writing some stuff down. And when you give yourself permission to just write whatever comes, you free yourself to get on and walk - sometimes run - to the top of that mountain.

And you know the beauty of it? I’m here to guide you through the book writing and publishing process and - the best bit - edit every word you write. Which means no-one ever needs to see the places where you tripped up and fell flat on your face.

Draft manuscript to published work in seven super steps. How liberating is that?.

Write without fear. Edit without mercy. Publish with pride…

From manuscript to published work in seven super steps.

  • We meet (online or in person) to discuss your book, the stage you’re at with it and your aims and objectives in wishing to publish it. We work out your audience and how best to reach them – self-publishing, publishing via my company or by pitching it to agents/publishers.

  • When we’re certain that I understand who you’re writing for and your purpose in publishing this work, you hand over your precious manuscript to me as a Word doc for my first look over.

  • I edit one chapter of the book (by prior agreement) and use this as an exercise, a. to determine how long it’s going to take me to edit the whole thing (and thus give you a quote) and, b. so you can see the extent of the editing necessary. At this stage, I also look over the structure and give you my insights.

  • Having agreed steps 1, 2, and 3, I go away and edit your work, returning it to you in batches, with all amendments and queries/comments clearly marked for you to either accept or reply to.

  • Once each chapter has been edited by me and reviewed by you and all further amendments dealt with, I go through and do a final proof read before the manuscript goes on to be laid out and the cover designed (by me or by your chosen designer) ready for print.

  • I design and lay out the book, transforming your words into a beautiful object your target reader will love. Or, you have your designer design it and lay it out according to a brief which I can help you with if you wish.

    Whomever has designed it (your designer or me) I then do a final page edit once the book has been laid out. This is crucial in ensuring the copy is set correctly.

  • Your book goes to print! I own a small independent publishing company ( and if your book is right for us, we will publish it. Alternatively, you may wish to self-publish, in which case I will work with your chosen printer to get your work to print, and/or upload it to Amazon (physical book and kindle). And that’s it – you’re a published author in seven simple steps!

  • So your book is published, how do you get people to buy it? If you don’t already have a website I will produce one for you, and follow this up with a digital marketing campaign (6-12 months) to build your audience and get those books sold! Meanwhile, we can get started on the next one!

